
Fandy Aditya

Free Write 5 Minutes: Why I Love Persona 5

Free Write 5 Minutes: Why I Love Persona 5 Tags: Free Write Date: March 7, 2021 Why I love persona 5 I discovered the Persona game when I bought my first ps4. Persona 5 is the most recommended game, and also secondhand BD is available everywhere so I tempted to try. Persona 5 game is good, RPG, battle system, side story, character, story, everything in that game is good. In short, You are the hero who fights demons, but at the same time, you’re just a high schooler that needs to study to pass the exam and date some girl.

Free Write 5 Minutes: Why porn is dangerous

Free Write 5 Minutes: Why porn is dangerous Tags: Free Write Date: March 5, 2021 Raw Why Porn is Dangerous Porn is dangerous because, our brain cannot distinct between porn or image/video and real sexual. That makes porn dangerous Our brain programmed to feel good when we have sex, eat. Our bran programmed to feel good when we do activity that make us survive. Now with porn, our brain see watching porn and masturbate as same as having sex, because of that is make us feels good.

Free Write 5 Minutes: My Thought about Intermittent Fasting

Free Write 5 Minutes: My Thought about Intermittent Fasting Tags: Free Write Date: March 4, 2021 Raw My Thought about intermittent fasting i’ve done intermittent fasting. The first one when I was in highschool. Apparently 3 month only. And now I start again from January 2021 till now. I choose intermittent fasting because I feel it easier method from weight loss, because I’ve done it before several years ago.

Free Write 5 Minutes: My Thought about Men Fashion

Free Write 5 Minutes: My Thought about Men Fashion Tags: Free Write Date: March 3, 2021 Raw My Thought about men fashion I love fashion, I mean I’m not really into it but I often check to update my wardrobe if I need to upgrade my style. The fashion style we currently know, heavily adopted from western countries. Nowadays we also got some influence from South Korea. Of course it is good style from west country but there are some one or two things that when we apply directly of course it not suit with our country Indonesia.

Free Write 5 Minutes: My experience on building habit

Free Write 5 Minutes: My experience on building habit Tags: Free Write Date: March 2, 2021 Raw My experience on building habit Building habit takes time. According to my experience, doing something consistently in range 2 weeks- 1 month will get the result. Building habit also must take action. Taking action consistently, in range 2 weeks-1 month will get the result. Now I trying to creating running habit. I already run 4 days a week for 3 weeks.

Free Write 5 Minutes: 8 hours is plenty

Free Write 5 Minutes: 8 hours is plenty Tags: Free Write Date: March 1, 2021 8 hours is plenty 8 hours is plenty amount of time. You can do much in 8 hours. But why, when in our work 8 hours is not enough? Because you can’t deep work. Deep work is a state when we focus on doing our job, without interruption in a specific range of time. There are many Interruption that makes you can’t deep work.

Free Write 5 Minutes: Quick tips on growing muscle

Free Write 5 Minutes: Quick tips on growing muscle Tags: Free Write Date: February 28, 2021 Quick tips on Growing Muscle I’ve quite successful in growing muscle. Although I’m not ripped enough, I want to share how to grow muscle based on my experience and information that I read on the Internet. Resistance Traning You have to work out, either callisthenic or weight training. Resistance Training is a must. You can do minimum 3 times a week for normal grow time.

Free Write 5 Minutes: Changing society behave

Free Write 5 Minutes: Changing society behave Tags: Free Write Date: February 27, 2021 Changing society behave You can change the behavior of society, by making a single app. We could agree the most popular/impactful is the Ride-hailing application (Gojek/Grab/Uber). Remember the old days? Going to a place is so hard when we don’t have any vehicles? Moving to a new city? At least you have to buy a motorcycle because our public transport not good as now (Currently better though).

Free Write 5 Minutes: Recommendation system is dangerous

Free Write 5 Minutes: Recommendation system is dangerous Tags: Free Write Date: February 26, 2021 The recommendation system is dangerous Social Media give us content recommendations based on our previous consumption. Let’s take a look at youtube. Our home will be surge by the videos that related to our previous watch. Tiktok also basically has a similar way. Also Instagram, our explore tab will be full of photos/videos that related to our most recent search Nowadays, the recommendation system works pretty well, smart and accurate.

Free Write 5 Minutes: Prison 9-5

Free Write 5 Minutes: Prison 9-5 Tags: Free Write Date: February 25, 2021 Prison 9-5 I work at the office. 40 hours a week, 9-5 every day. I am in the prison with 80% of the human population. Working 9-5 is not an achievement nor secure anymore. Different from our parent’s era. Why? Because there is a lot of opportunities out there, Youtuber, Instagram influencer, Tiktok influencer. Yes, we agree they also work hard, I know.

Free Write 5 Minutes: Do Things, Tell People

Free Write 5 Minutes: Do Things, Tell People Tags: Free Write Date: February 24, 2021 Do things, tell people That what I always remember, on how to starting to build personal branding, and it’s quite true in some way. Many Instagram influencers usually just do the things they love and post it to Instastory. Most YouTubers also do those things. Do you love playing games, record it and upload to youtube.

Free Write 5 Minutes: Fight Baldness 101

Free Write 5 Minutes: Fight Baldness 101 Tags: Free Write Date: February 23, 2021 Baldness 101 I’ve fighting baldness since 2018. I’ve read so many resources around the internet on how to decrease baldness in English or Bahasa resource Baldness in men also called man pattern baldness usually 80% caused by genetic. And the 20% left because of their habit or stressful situation. Different from women where almost 60 % caused by the habit, 40% caused by genetics.

Free Write 5 Minutes: Handling Stress Tips by Me

Free Write 5 Minutes: Handling Stress Tips by Me Tags: Free Write Date: February 22, 2021 How to not stress I’ve become an adult and have encountered many stressful moments in my lifetime. And also I already learn from that, how to not stress Get to know the worst case. Sometimes, when we stress there is a possibility that we overthink about the action we take and the result happen in the future.

Free Write 5 Minutes: Sneakers Review

Free Write 5 Minutes: Sneakers Review Tags: Free Write Date: February 21, 2021 Sneaker review For the past 7 years, I have so many sneakers. Now I want to review them one by one. Vans authentic: Vans authentic is my first pricy sneakers. I love the model and it looks so stylish. The comfort is ok, but beware that you must use socks if you don’t want your feet to hurt

Free Write 5 Minutes: Dr.Stone Summary

Free Write 5 Minutes: Dr.Stone Summary Tags: Free Write Date: February 20, 2021 Today I watching anime called Dr. Stone. It cool anime, you should watch it too. Summary: Now is 2020, suddenly there is radiation from south America that make all human in the world turned in to stone. 3000 years later, the main protagonist, Senku revived from stoning and start building a civilization from zero stone age. Senku that not want to live alone, start to creating chemical to revive the stone human.