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DISC test. Singkatan dari Dominance, Influences, Steadiness, Conscientiousness. Test untuk mengetahui personality kita di 4 traits itu, dan bisa mengimprove disisi kerja, komunikasi, teamwork, produktivitas, leadership dll. Aku udah test, dan hasilnya ini. Karena free, jadi cuma dikasi overal overview. Kita bakal bahas setiap paragraf satu-satu:

You tend to make decisions slowly and carefully, only after consideration of all variables and input from others. Of the many patterns of behavioral styles, your scores put you among a minority of the population (a positive minority) who show the trait of careful and deliberate decision-making when it comes to important decisions. We specify “important,” because you may make routine decisions rather rapidly.

Ini benar, tapi ini seperti general reading. Kayak rule of thumb. Tentu setiap orang kalau ada sesuatu yang perlu decision making, perlu memerhatikan segala kemungkinan sebelum memutuskan pilihan. Basic nature. Supaya dapet decision yang terbaik. Tapi kalau case itu terjadi lagi, dan solusi dari case itu sudah pernah dilakukan dan works, tentu orang itu akan menggunakan solusi yang sama. Ngapain repot-repot menghabiskan resources untuk memikirkan solusi yang belum tentu berhasil

You set high performance standards for yourself and others and expect everybody to meet those standards. You have remarkably good quality control skills and a high degree of patience. These traits combine to allow you to aim your sights higher than some others on the team. You lead by setting the example yourself, rather than delegating to others and walking away.

Aku cukup pede terhadap kontrol kesabaranku. Aku memang merasa orang harus memenuhi standarku, tapi aku merasa tidak memiliki standar yang tinggi.

Your score pattern indicates that you tend to maintain a keen awareness of time. You tend to be on time or early for appointments and expect the same consideration of your time from others. It annoys you when certain people are perpetually late, or when meetings drag on with no assigned time to end.

Gak ada orang yang suka kalau kita udah janjian tapi telat. Gak ada yang suka meeting tapi ngaret, gak ada arah. Kadang kita memang gak sadar, tapi aku yakin semua orang gak suka itu.

Your response pattern indicates that you tend to hide your emotions. You are generally quiet in a group unless asked for input, or if the topic is one of high importance to you. Our advice is to move out of that comfort zone and be a bit more verbal. It will benefit the team, because many will not have considered the issues as deeply as you have. Your input will raise the quality of the conversation. And you will benefit by being perceived as a more open and interactive person.

Ini akurat. Memberikan pendapat seringkali useless kalau sebuah diskusi cuma formalitas, yang sebenarnya keputusannya sudah ada. Obervasi dan memberikan energi untuk memberi pendapat apabila itu benar-benar dibutuhkan saja. But sometimes, mufakat malah terkadang menjadi tidak mendapatkan solusi terbaik karena aku tidak memberikan pendapatku. Good reminder.

You tend to evaluate others by how well they implement and execute procedures, standards, and quality action. You hold others accountable to the same high standards that you maintain for yourself. Those who demonstrate these high standards (as you know, they are somewhat rare) are individuals that you will tend to hold in esteem.

Talk is cheap, execution is everything. Sebenarnya ini cara untuk paling mudah menilai orang. Karena kita tidak perlu menerka-nerka omongan dia, cukup liat aksinya dia dan nilai darisana.

Fandy, your motto could be, “There is a right way and a wrong way to complete all projects. Let’s complete it the right way.” You score like those who read instructions on new appliances and computers. Whether at home or at the office, you like to do things correctly. When writing, rarely do you have the need for spell-checking or proofreading for grammar.

Terkadang traits ini aku merasa ada positif dan ada negatif. Positif karena effisien dan aman. Kita melakukan sesuatu sesuai dengan rule yang ada. Negatifnya, eksplorasi kurang apabila dibutuhkan solusi yang tidak bisa diselesaikan dengan mengikuti rule. Need to balance more. Tentu saja kalimat terakir itu salah.

DISC test quite fun untuk diketahui. Walaupun masih seperti general reading dan rule of thumb. Tetapi dia men-highlight general reading dan rule of thumb yang kita dominasi. Test aja iseng-iseng disini:


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