Free Write 5 Minutes: 8 hours is plenty

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Free Write 5 Minutes: 8 hours is plenty

Tags: Free Write Date: March 1, 2021

8 hours is plenty 8 hours is plenty amount of time. You can do much in 8 hours. But why, when in our work 8 hours is not enough? Because you can’t deep work. Deep work is a state when we focus on doing our job, without interruption in a specific range of time. There are many Interruption that makes you can’t deep work. Let say your job is to code. The first 2 hours you can code, The next 2 hours are meeting. The next 1 hour is checking and replying to your inbox. You have 3 hours left but interrupted by your office colleague, chat, or quick meet that make your time go waste. You only work for 2 hours. 8 hours is pretty enough to make your job done. But how to manage that so you can make your 8 hours effective? First, create a rule for your colleague if they want to “borrow” your time. Make a clear schedule, if it can be done via email/chat, don’t meet. Second reply asynchronously. If you are on your work, and at that time there are chat or email arrive. Ignore it, and reply at your scheduled time later all at once. The goal is how you can do work, uninterrupted on a timebox.

  • Raw

    8 hours is plenty 8 hours i plenty amount of time. You can do much in 8 hours. But why, when in our work 8 hours is not enough? Because you can’t deep work. There are many obstacle/intruption that make you can’t to do deep work? What is deep work? Deep work is stance when we focus on doing our job, on specific time. Let say your job is to code. The first 2 hours you can code, The next 2 hours is meeting. The next 1 hours is checking and replying your inbox. The next 3 hours is code, but interrupted by small question or meet or any interruption that can’t make you do deep work. 8 hours is pretty enough to make your job done. But how to manage that so you can make 8 hours is effective? First create rule for your colleague if they want to “borrow” your time. Make the clear schedule, if it can be not do meet, just via email is ok. Second reply asynchronously. If you are on your work, and at that time there are chat or email arrive. Ignore it, and start reply it on the window of time directly (Sekaligus). The goal is how you can do work, unintrupptly on window of time.

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