Free Write 5 Minutes: Diet Inspiration Intro

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Free Write 5 Minutes: Diet Inspiration Intro

Tags: Free Write Date: March 11, 2021

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    Diet Story Introduction I’ve already use some way of diet. Calorie restriction, when you have to count calorie in vs calorie out so your body can get calorie deficit. Intermittent Fasting, where you restrict you meal time. But none of theme is actually “really” works for me. Several Days ago, I found out Master Ade Rai Youtube channel, for you who don’t know who is Ade Rai, Ade Rai is professional Body Builder, and famous in the world of Fitness in Indonesia, even in Asia. His Channel provide good information, actually the best that I have watch about working out, diet and all around fitness world. And so far my diet I found out that I do it wrong based on one of his video “Low Carb Hi Fat”. He said, why calorie restriction method is not the best for diet. It’s because, your body will learn when calorie is restricted. It will learn, and will slowing our metabolism process so we can’t get hungry so often Because metabolism is slowing, of course fat burn also slowing. Because of that, weight loss is not that high when we do calorie restriction. But what about intermittent fasting? In almost of his video, he highly recommended us to do intermittent fasting. He also does intermittent fasting daily with 12 meal time and 12 fasting time.

Diet Story Introduction I’ve already used many methods for weight loss. Calorie restriction, when you have to count calories in vs calories out so your body can get a calorie deficit. Intermittent Fasting, where you restrict your mealtime. But none of them is actually “really” works for me. Several days ago, I found out about Ade Rai Youtube channel. For you who don’t know who Ade Rai is, Ade Rai is a Professional Body Builder, and famous in the world of Fitness in Indonesia, even in Asia. His Channel provides good information, actually the best that I have ever watch about workout, diet, and any fitness world related knowledge. So far, I found out that my diet is wrong in a several ways based on one of his video “Low Carb Hi Fat”. He said, why calorie restriction method is not the best for diet. It’s because, your body will learn when calorie is restricted. It will learn and will slowing our metabolism process so we can’t get hungry so often. Because metabolism is slowing, of course fat burn also slowing. That’s why weight loss is pretty hard when we use calorie restriction if we not discipline enough. But what about intermittent fasting? In almost of his video, he highly recommended us to do intermittent fasting. He also does intermittent fasting daily with 12 hours of mealtime and 12 hours of fasting time.

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