Free Write 5 Minutes: Dr.Stone Summary

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Free Write 5 Minutes: Dr.Stone Summary

Tags: Free Write Date: February 20, 2021

Today I watching anime called Dr. Stone. It cool anime, you should watch it too. Summary: Now is 2020, suddenly there is radiation from south America that make all human in the world turned in to stone. 3000 years later, the main protagonist, Senku revived from stoning and start building a civilization from zero stone age. Senku that not want to live alone, start to creating chemical to revive the stone human. The conflict started here, when he and his best friend chase by a group of lions, they have to revive the most dangerous senior high school man, to help him to fight the lion. But after he revived him, Tsukasa, the main antagonist has ideology that not all human have not to revived, only the young one. The boomer does not have to. where the ideology is opposite from Senku, Senku wants to revive all of the humans. Tsukasa killed Senku because he thinks Senku is a threat from his ideology, and of course, Senku not died yet, because he has plot armor.

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