Free Write 5 Minutes: Fight Baldness 101

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Free Write 5 Minutes: Fight Baldness 101

Tags: Free Write Date: February 23, 2021

Baldness 101

I’ve fighting baldness since 2018. I’ve read so many resources around the internet on how to decrease baldness in English or Bahasa resource Baldness in men also called man pattern baldness usually 80% caused by genetic. And the 20% left because of their habit or stressful situation. Different from women where almost 60 % caused by the habit, 40% caused by genetics. The infamous baldness hormone DHT, that created by men’s hormone or testosterone. DHT will stick on men’s root hair, and make it fall. Women also produce DHT, but not as much as men. That’s the difference. There are 2 ways on how to reduce DHT. First the outer way, we use the DHT remover, called Minoxidil. Use it twice a day on the bald area 1ml each usage. Many others have success using only minoxidil, but, many others not. Second, the insider way, drink Finasteride 1mg every day. Finasteride is medicine to press testosterone, so the DHT is decreased in production too. Finasteride famous for its effectiveness to decrease hair fall/baldness, but there are some side effects. There is a person who becomes impotent because consuming finasteride on a daily basis.

  • Raw

    I’ve fight baldness since 2018. I’ve read many resources on the internet on how to decrease man baldness (More popular called man pattern baldness) in English or bahasa article Baldness in men, also call man pattern baldness usually 80% caused by genetic. And the 20% left because our habit or stressful situation that men occur. Different from women where almost 60% caused by situatation/past habit. In men, there are DHT, that created by men hormone or testosterone. DHT will stick on men root hair, and make it hairfall. There are 2 technique how to remove DHT. First the outway, we use DHT remover, the remover is called Minoxidile. Use it everyday twice a day on the baldness 1ml each. Many other have success using only minoxidil, but, many others not. Second the inside way, drink Finastride 1mg. Finastide is medicine to press the testosterone, so the DHT is decreased produced too. Finastride famous for its effectiveness to decrease hairfall/baldness, but there are some side effect when men start consume finastride. Even there are person who become impotent because consuming finastride in daily basis.

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