Free Write 5 Minutes: Handling Stress Tips by Me

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Free Write 5 Minutes: Handling Stress Tips by Me

Tags: Free Write Date: February 22, 2021

How to not stress I’ve become an adult and have encountered many stressful moments in my lifetime. And also I already learn from that, how to not stress

Get to know the worst case. Sometimes, when we stress there is a possibility that we overthink about the action we take and the result happen in the future. So the first thing we need to know that knowing the worst case. Knowing the worst about actions or decisions that we made, made us feel more secure. Let me explain. When we know the worst case, sometimes the worst case is not scary at all, after we know the worst case is not scared at all, we feel relieved, and we can do our best to work. We suffer more in imagination than in reality.

Meditation. Meditation made us feel relieved. It because we controlling our breath and try not to think about the past and the future at a specific range of time. From that, I also know something that made us stress is, unknowing of the future, or regretting something in the past, so the best way to not stress is being present. Back to the meditation, I also meditate every day for 10 minutes, and that 10 minutes make me tackle the everyday problem. Just close your eyes, listen to your deep breath, and ignore some random thought

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