Free Write 5 Minutes: My Thought about Intermittent Fasting

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Free Write 5 Minutes: My Thought about Intermittent Fasting

Tags: Free Write Date: March 4, 2021

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    My Thought about intermittent fasting i’ve done intermittent fasting. The first one when I was in highschool. Apparently 3 month only. And now I start again from January 2021 till now. I choose intermittent fasting because I feel it easier method from weight loss, because I’ve done it before several years ago. But as long as I remember when on highschool, my weight not decrease yet. Currently also my weight not decrease yet. But why I keep doing intermittent fasting? I don’t know it just became a habit to me. But I’ll tell the benefit. The benefit is think my eating habit is more under control now. I mean, I’m type a person who just eat anything and never full, just eat but if I don’t eat its ok. With discipline intermittent fasting, my eating habit just I’ll eat when I feel I need to eat, then will stop when the fasting hour is occur. My weight also not decreased when almost 2 month I start Intermittent fasting, but i think ill keep doing this until some month later. The weight loss i think when intermittent fasting still apply rule Callorie in - Callorie out, by that means mostly my weight loss caused by mu 6 days a week work out

My Thought about intermittent fasting I’ve done intermittent fasting when I was in high school for 3 months only. Now I start to do it again from January 2021 until today. I choose intermittent fasting because I feel it is the easiest way for weight loss. But do I losing weight by intermittent fasting? I think not. As long as I remember my first intermittent fasting in high school also not decreasing my weight. But why I keep doing intermittent fasting? I don’t know it just became a habit to me. The benefit is I think my eating habit become under control. I mean, I’m the type of person who just eats anything even it doesn’t have to. With discipline intermittent fasting, my eating habit just I’ll eat when I feel I need to eat, then will stop when the fasting hour occurs. My weight also not decreased when almost 2 months I start Intermittent fasting. But I’ll keep doing this until several months later. I think intermittent fasting still applies the rule Calorie-in minus Calorie-out. So if you want to lose weight, don’t eat calories beyond your burned calories. By that means mostly my weight loss caused by my 6 days a week work out

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