Free Write 5 Minutes: Prison 9-5

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Free Write 5 Minutes: Prison 9-5

Tags: Free Write Date: February 25, 2021

Prison 9-5 I work at the office. 40 hours a week, 9-5 every day. I am in the prison with 80% of the human population. Working 9-5 is not an achievement nor secure anymore. Different from our parent’s era. Why? Because there is a lot of opportunities out there, Youtuber, Instagram influencer, Tiktok influencer. Yes, we agree they also work hard, I know. But they are not working like slaves. Working 9-5 is so old school. It is initiated in the British industrial revolution era. Why I always mention Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok? Because I see they make money by doing what they like. Working on the things we like is a dream in every era. Entrepreneur of course included. I am one of the people that got benefit during this pandemic because I can back to my hometown after 5 years overseas. I’ve worked in the big city. Everyday is the same, people go to work with the morning crowd, and go back to their home in the evening. Rest, meet their family or friends, hustling. It’s like mouses in cages, every day just doing the same thing.

  • Raw

    Prison 9-5 Yes, i also work 9-5 40 hours a week, and I feel it feel like a prison. I don’t know why. Working 9-5 is not achievement anymore, different from our parents time when working 9-5 is like achievement to secure life. But this time, is not the same. Why? Because there is a lot of opportunity out there, Youtuber, Instagram influencer, Tiktok influencer. Yes they are working hard, I know. But they are not working like a worker buruh. Working 9-5 is so old school, its inisiaiate when British revolution era. Why I always mention youtube, Instagram and tiktok? Because I see they like doing what they like, and make money. Working with their passion in other world. Entrepreneur of course one of the example, but it not easy enough. Because of the pandemic, I am one of the people that got lucky during this pandemic because I can back to my hometown after 5 years overseas. Ive work in big city Jakarta, everyday is same, people go to work at morning, crowd in the morning, and at evening people go back home, rest, meet their family, friends or hustling maybe. It’s like mouse in cage, everyday just doing the same thing.

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