Free Write 5 Minutes: Recommendation system is dangerous

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Free Write 5 Minutes: Recommendation system is dangerous

Tags: Free Write Date: February 26, 2021

The recommendation system is dangerous Social Media give us content recommendations based on our previous consumption. Let’s take a look at youtube. Our home will be surge by the videos that related to our previous watch. Tiktok also basically has a similar way. Also Instagram, our explore tab will be full of photos/videos that related to our most recent search Nowadays, the recommendation system works pretty well, smart and accurate. To make us, consumers to engage more and more. Based on personal experience, the most social media that make me engage longer is Tiktok. Once I watch Tiktok, I’ll keep scrolling again and again till tired. Yes, that what was recommendation system built for. The succeed on me Sometimes on youtube, we also got unrelated recommendations, just random videos showed that youtube says “You may also like” - type of vibes. But actually, they already calculated it based on big data or something, that 80% we will watch it. The side effect? Social Media/Internet addiction.

  • Raw

    Recomendation system is dangerous What i mean recommendation system is, social media recommendation content based by our previous consumption. Let’s take example of youtube. Our home will be ton of video that related to our previous watch. Tiktok also like that. Instagram, our explore tab will get photos/videos that related to our most recent search Recomendation system built to user so it can stay longer on the social media platform. The recommendation system work pretty well, and pretty smart. But it make us consume more and more. The most social media that I agree the recommendation system is the best is Tiktok. Once I what Tiktok, I’ll keep scrolling again and again. Yes that what recommendation system built for, so user can stay on long time in their apps, get more engagement. Sometimes on youtube, we also got unrelated recommendation, just random video showed that youtube say “You may also like” - type of vibes. But actually we liked it. Now recommendation system social media is pretty accurate, because they analyst our data pretty damn good. Of course the side effect is we take to long playing soc-med and forgot our responsibility

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