Free Write 5 Minutes: Side hustling when having a Full time job

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Free Write 5 Minutes: Side hustling when having a Full time job

Tags: Free Write Date: March 8, 2021

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    Side Hustling When having a full time job Can you do your side project when you having a full time job? Yes you can. But of course there is some sacrifice. Because you have a full time job, so you have a timebox that you can’t disturb. Let say the most full time range is 9 Am to 5 Pm. You can do your side project after office, 5 Pm till before you sleep. You can also do your side project on a weekend. Yes, you have to sacrifice your after office time with working on side project. Your weekend with working on side project, when you usually having time with friend or family or just playing game. In conclusion, you can have side hustle when you have full time job, What kind of side hustle you can do? Creating course online and selling it. Creating web apps or mobile apps if you can code. Youtube, if you love video Freelance, something that your expertise on your work and find in on freelance platform. Online store, if you want to sell product online. Bakery, food online, ride hailing etc. Patreon, if you want to build community and monetize it. There are a lot opportunity when we talking about side hustling. The real question is, do you want to sacrifice some of your time to do it?

Side Hustling When having a full-time job Can you have a side project when you having a full-time job? Yes, you can. But you have to do extra work on after-office hours or weekends. The common full-time job hours are 9 Am to 5 Pm. You can do your side project after, 5 Pm on the weekdays, and all day on the weekends. You need to use your time differently while working on a side project. When the time you use usually for hangout with friends or family or just playing a video game. What kind of side hustle you can do?

  • Creating a course online and selling it.
  • Creating web apps or mobile apps if you can code.
  • Youtube, if you love making videos.
  • Freelance on something in your expertise
  • Online Reseller using e-commerce
  • Food delivery using ride-hailing apps
  • Patreon, if you want to build community and monetize it.

There are a lot of opportunities when we are talking about side hustling. The real question is, do you want to sacrifice some of your time to do it?

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