Free Write 5 Minutes: Why porn is dangerous

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Free Write 5 Minutes: Why porn is dangerous

Tags: Free Write Date: March 5, 2021

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    Why Porn is Dangerous Porn is dangerous because, our brain cannot distinct between porn or image/video and real sexual. That makes porn dangerous Our brain programmed to feel good when we have sex, eat. Our bran programmed to feel good when we do activity that make us survive. Now with porn, our brain see watching porn and masturbate as same as having sex, because of that is make us feels good. But because porn is easier to get than having sex, that make us porn user addicted to watching porn and masturbate. Addiction of porn is same as addiction on smoking/alcoholic. The sign you addict is, when you quit you can’t. Your brain will remember and makes u addict to always have to watch porn, but in reality your brain is tricked by habit that we create. Because again, our brain learn how we feel good, we train our brain by watching porn make us feel good, so our brain will crave for it because feels good = good. But in reality feels good because watching porn is not good at all for our life. Many bad because porn addiction. First when we actual having sex with our partner, we will not get aroused of normal woman body, because we use porn to satisfy our sexual desire.

Why Porn is Dangerous Porn is dangerous because our brain cannot differentiate between porn images/videos and real sexual intercourse. Our brain programmed to feel good when we do activities that make us survive, including eating and having sex. Our brain sees masturbate using porn as same as having sex, because of that brain release chemical that makes us feels good. Because porn is easier to get than having sex, that makes many people addicted to watching porn and masturbate. The sign of porn addiction is just the same as other addiction. When the times you realize you have to quit, but at the same time you can’t. Your brain will remember and makes you an addict. But in fact, your brain is tricked by the habit that you build. Feeling good by watching porn is not good at all for our life. Many bad impacts cause by porn addiction. One of them is, when we actually having sex with our partner, we will not get aroused by normal sex, because we use porn fantasy to satisfy our sexual desire. That can be a traumatic experience for young man/woman.

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